Villa in Sanctuary
Escape to Tranquility at Villa In Sanctuary: Your Exclusive Retreat Amidst Nature's Splendor.
Mylinex M-Agri
This platform offers a comprehensive platform to digitalize the entire value chain of an agricultural industry in a country by providing effective, relevant and timely content through IVR, Mobile app and SMS channels.
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Mylinex SMS Firewall
The Mylinex SMS Firewall is a scalable, flexible and powerful security solution that identifies and secures the network against all types of SMS messaging attacks such as spamming, flooding, faking, spoofing and viruses in near real-time. It monitors A2P (Application-to-Person) SMS traffic, and increases efficiency of SMS messaging as a credible marketing channel by eliminating spam messages.
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Mylinex Content Delivery Platform
Content delivery platforms create a significant revenue stream for mobile network operators across the world. However, when it comes to managing SMS, USSD and IVR (Interactive voice response) platforms as different entities, network operators face efficiency and performance related challenges. The Mylinex Content Delivery Platform offers a converged solution that supports SMS, USSD and IVR media
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